Social sustainability

Social sustainability as a conscious goal.
Sustainable development policies must take account of the social dimension, that is an essential condition to achieve a sustainable, socially inclusive and environmentally responsible economic growth.
Unigrà operates to promote – both inside and outside the company – acceptable working conditions, gender equality, a fair, meritocratic and respectable compensation and the eradication of discrimination and poverty. These actions must be accompanied by economic growth in order to create a smarter, greener and more sustainable economy

GOAL 3 - Health and well-being
Ensure health and well-being for all, without leaving anyone behind. To promote the SDG 3, Unigrà aims to ensure to its employees acceptable working conditions, an inclusive and safe working environment protecting the workers’ health.
Moreover, the company ensures that the activities carried out on its behalf by third parties are based on risk prevention and on the protection of the health and safety of the contractors and other third parties.

GOAL 4 - Quality education
Ensure equitable and inclusive quality education and learning opportunities for all. To promote the SDG 4, Unigrà invests in education and training, through training schemes for its workers and the promotion of educational programmes: these include the outdoor education experimental project, managed by the Kilowatt cooperative of Bologna at the Serre dei Giardini di Margherita.

GOAL 5 - Gender equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. To promote the SDG 5, Unigrà ensures to its employees an equal treatment and prohibits any discrimination in terms of recruitment, training, salary and advancement towards women, and promotes equal leadership opportunities at any decision-making level.

GOAL 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Promote a durable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, as well as a full and productive employment and a decent work for all. To promote the SDG 8, Unigrà ensures a safe working environment, an effective use of natural resources in the production processes, so that the company’s profit does not affect the surrounding environment, the technological innovation and the enhancement of the residues from the production processes.

GOAL 10 - Reduced inequalities
Reduce inequalities withing and among countries. To promote the SDG 10, Unigrà guarantees to all workers equal opportunities, fair salary, and prohibits any discrimination in terms of recruitment, training, compensation and advancement based on the geographical origin, sex, religion, sexual orientation, age, trade-union membership, political affiliation or any other potentially discriminatory grounds.

Our figures
Hours of training
Open-ended employment contracts, 10% fixed-term contracts
Growing number of employees