Unigrà Karma Metrix

We care deeply about sustainability,
even online.

That’s why we are always looking for new tools to reduce waste.
Like this screen, which lowers your computer’s energy consumption.



Economic sustainability

Our commitment to Economic Sustainability

The economic crisis resulting from Covid-19 pandemic indiscriminately affected the whole country, giving a serious blow to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). In order to restart, the focus had to be put on well-defined areas, such as innovation, internationalisation, diversification, financial soundness and the sustainable development goals.

In the SDGs era, all enterprises (on a global scale) must engage and contribute in the achievement of sustainable development. How? By creating responsible business models, as well as through innovation, technological development and collaboration between stakeholders. Unigrà is actively working on SDGs 8, 9 and 17.

GOAL 8 - Decent work and economic growth


Promote a sustainable and inclusive economic growth, as well as a full and productive employment and a decent work for all. To promote SDG 8 Unigrà is committed to create new employment, ensure fair working conditions and support the economy and the community of the territory where it operates.
A concrete example is represented by the partnership between OraSì and Basket Ravenna and the involvement in a project of the Kilowatt cooperative from Bologna, entailing the purchase of a ‘walking wagon’ (to bring children to discover the city and the nature.

GOAL 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructures


Promotes innovation and a fair, responsible and sustainable industrialisation. To promote the SDG 9, Unigrà ensures sustainable plants and factories accessible to all, and is engaged in the production and use of energy from renewable sources, as well as in the implementation of effective technologies to improve the management of natural resources and reduce the environmental impact.

GOAL 17 - Partnership for the goals


Strengthen the means of implementation of the 2030 Agenda and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development.
The joint efforts of the industry encompass inclusive forms of cooperation, based on shared values and goals. To promote the SDG 17, Unigrà strives to identify the Sustainable development goals connected with its business, in order to actively work to achieve them. Moreover, Unigrà is a member of important Trade Associations, within the framework of which the company makes its know-how available to work together on strategic themes like sustainability.

Economic value generated and distributed

The information on the generation and distribution of the economic value provides a basic indicator on the creation of wealth by Unigrà for the stakeholders.

In 2020 we retained 9 % of the economic value generated and distributed 91% to internal and external stakeholders. The resources retained (difference between “Directly generated” and “Distributed” resources) are allocated for the purposes of internal development, to fund the corporate growth and for the company’s reserves.