Unigrà is a global player and a leading supplier of special oils and fats for the baking industry.
Our extensive experience in co-developing customized solutions, combined with our awareness of new trends and our established presence in the market, provides the right conditions to meet your needs.

The UNIGRAL category optimally addresses the needs of professionals and industrial entities involved in pastry and baking processes. The specific combination of ingredients and the use of particular transformation techniques allow the production of oils and fats suitable for various application solutions.
This category includes fats for dough, baking, frying, and filling, as well as fats used as crystallizers for the aforementioned categories and for the production of cooking cubes.
Discover the various applications of UNIGRAL.
Applications of UNIGRAL
Dough / Shortening

UNIGRAL F LINE – Unigral F is the line of fats designed for the creation of filling creams, dry or hydrated creams, cookies, and leavened sweets.
Depending on the recipe and/or production process requirements, it is possible to create products with pleasant texture and taste, achieving optimal performance in terms of creaminess and filling stability.
The wide range of the Unigral F line includes fats of various botanical origins, also available in RSPO Mass Balance or Segregated versions, with or without hydrogenated and/or lauric fats.

Dough / Shortening
UNIGRAL S LINE – The solutions of the Unigral S line are specially formulated for making doughs and shortenings.
The offering guarantees different results according to needs: friability for shortcrust pastry, softness for sponge cake, or elasticity for leavened puff pastry.
This line of fats includes references with or without lauric fats, hydrogenated fats, or with different possibilities for additives. RSPO Mass Balance or Segregated fats are available.

UNIGRAL F LINE – Unigral F is the line of fats designed for the creation of filling creams, dry or hydrated creams, cookies, and leavened sweets.
Depending on the recipe and/or production process requirements, it is possible to create products with pleasant texture and taste, achieving optimal performance in terms of creaminess and filling stability.
The wide range of the Unigral F line includes fats of various botanical origins, also available in RSPO Mass Balance or Segregated versions, with or without hydrogenated and/or lauric fats.
Dough / Shortening

Dough / Shortening
UNIGRAL S LINE – The solutions of the Unigral S line are specially formulated for making doughs and shortenings.
The offering guarantees different results according to needs: friability for shortcrust pastry, softness for sponge cake, or elasticity for leavened puff pastry.
This line of fats includes references with or without lauric fats, hydrogenated fats, or with different possibilities for additives. RSPO Mass Balance or Segregated fats are available.