Our Governance

Corporate Governace
Unigrà S.r.l. implements a traditional “Corporate Governance” model, characterised by the key role of the Shareholders’ Meeting and the Administration Body (Board of Directors, BoD).
The corporate governance is based on the following corporate bodies: Board of Directors, Board of Statutory Auditors, Statutory auditor, Shareholders’ Meeting.
The Board of Directors is the body vested with all the powers relating to the administration of the company and may do, make or carry out any action required for the achievement of the corporate purpose. The BoD defines the strategies, the management, the assessment of the suitability of the organisational, administrative and accounting structure of the company, as well as the assessment of the overall operating performance. Furthermore, the administration body determines the management remuneration policy and (after consulting the Board of Statutory Auditors) the remuneration of the directors holding particular offices. Moreover, the administration body may appoint directors and special agents and grant the use of the corporate signature (either jointly or severally, for specific acts or categories of acts) to the company’s employees and to third parties.
The Board of Statutory Auditors monitors compliance with the principles of fair administration, with particular reference to the organisational, administrative and accounting structure implemented by the company.
The Shareholders’ Meeting appoints the members of the Board of Directors, of the Board of Statutory Auditors and of the auditing company, and approves the Financial Statements.
The managers of the main corporate functions may share significant aspects and recommendations with the administration body during the periodical meetings. As provided for by the certification standards implemented by the company, the performance of the quality, environmental and social management systems is shared on a yearly basis with the BoD during the meetings, leading to the drafting of a report, the “Management Review”. In 2020 a Working Group for sustainability was set up, consisting of the heads of the corporate functions, in order to define the relevant sustainability themes for Unigrà, their monitoring process and the identification of improvement strategies.